Roy&Lynne wrote:
Ralph Cramden wrote:
drsteve wrote:
Roy&Lynne wrote:
We all know that as the cost of housing goes up, more and more folks are looking to living in RVs, not for camping and travel but just to have a roof over their heads. In my area, older RVs are seen parked in vacant lots, wide spots in roads, or parking lots. They might be there a day or two, or until someone complains and the police ask them to move on. More and more cities are now passing laws making this practice unlawful. More and more States are now allowing overnight parking at rest stops and we are going to find it more and more difficult to find places for overnight camping, especially in urban areas.
The US has become a low wage nation. Unless that changes, expect more poverty.
Have to call BS on that statement. What it has become is a nation of lazy people who believe everything should be handed to them and they should graduate high school, attend college on someone else's dime, then graduate and command $150K the first day of employment for playing around all day on Facebook and Twitter. I have been in the Industrial, Heavy, and Commercial construction industry for close to 35 years and what I have seen in the last 10, with the coming of age of millenials into the management end of things, is enough to make me want to puke. I have yet to see a smartphone or laptop put a building together, and when one of these snot noses gets in a position with some financial control, say a Project Manager, you had better deal with them by dotting I's and crossing T's because they tend to lie often. It's all about them. Sadly, the days of the jobsite handshake when it comes to changes and financial dealings are long over. Even if they say "please do it because we need it today, and I'll issue a change order as soon as I can" in open forum like a meeting with 20 people in attendence, you're probably going to get a good screwing for your effort later when selective memory loss sets in.
Get below the management level and try and find trade workers that are qualified, show up on time and consistently, and actually work. Good luck. Were not talking minimum wage jobs here either.
I have a new found respect for my little buddies from the deep deep South whose presence I resisted for years. At least they work, and work their asses off to boot.
There are tons of sites on the internet where racism and vitriol can be appreciated, but that isn't here. Here we need to refrain from pointing fingers and blaming others and discuss what interests us all, and that is RV travel.
Racism and vitriol LOL........
Reality is not racism.........
Your bleeding heart attitude is exactly why you have older RVs parked in vacant lots, wide spots in roads, and parking lots in the area where you live. Do people fall on hard times? Sure they do. But a higher percentage of those people in those RVs choose their own path. Living in a rundown RV alongside a road does not qualify as a race, and criticism of a generational demographic does not qualify as racism.
But I'll take your advice, since you have apparently self appointed yourself as moderator on these boards.