Forum Discussion

dcmac214's avatar
Apr 04, 2018

Wanted: Wastewater Tote Opinions/Critiques

Especially for the Barker 42 gallon tote. Anything smaller isn't practical for us with the kids.
Have read a lot of negative reviews about problems with the wheels and axles, and the bottom wearing out from dragging because it sags when full.
  • I've had the same Barker 32 gallon Tote since the year 2000. About 5 years ago I replaced the wheels. I literally ran the rubber off them. Easy fix. Last Summer the slide valve started leaking. I called Barker on the phone to order a replacement valve. The service rep took all my information and said I'd have a new one at my house in 2 days, and she said "thank-you." I yelled before she hung up and said, "Hey, do you want my credit card information!" She said, "No." We're sending it to you under warranty." I said, you know it's 17 years old. She said, "Yes, I know, it's under warranty."

    2 days later I had it in my hand. Took a little bit to figure out how to get the new one in, but it only took about an hour and it's worked perfect ever since.

    We use our tote a lot. I imagine it's got 2 or 3 thousand miles on those wheels, towing it to the dump station so often. And I have no intention of ever getting another one. I expect this one to last me the rest of my life.

    Just an FYI. I had the handle flip off the truck hitch ball a couple times. It only took a couple times and then I figured out a different way to attach it. I've been doing it this way ever since, probably 15 years or so, and it works great. A photo is worth a thousand word:

    Not so good:

    NEVER disconnects when in tow this way!

  • I have the 42 gal Barker and put pneumatic tires on it almost immediately. I have had no issues with mine dragging. I don't use it a lot but works fine when I need it. One trip and done. Never owned a Thetford, couldn't say how they are.
  • I have a Thetford. Wish I had bought a Barker.

    As far as wheels, axles and wear. 42 gallons of waste water is heavy. You have to be aware of the loads you are putting on it. You have to pull it SLOWLY. And you have to do some maintenance/ preventive maintenance. Nothing last forever, but almost everything last longer if you do take care of it.
  • I have a 42 gallon Barker. Mine came with pneumatic wheels no need to upgrade mine does not sag. Even if it did Barker is a fantastic Company the stands behind their product.
  • I have one. Love it. If you do a search, it's an easy mod to upgrade the wheels to pneumatic wheels.