gotsmart wrote:
For me, I think it became prominent when the Dear Marcus forums first appeared. New members (1 to 5 posts) who posted a problem there are routinely spanked by holier than thou types who would almost immediately admonish them as bashing CW - whether the OP's issue is valid or not. These 'spankers', as I call them, aren't contributing to the conversation one bit. It seems that this attitude is carrying over into the other forums where an OP starts a thread and leaves out helpful details or has not well thought out what they are trying to say - and instead of trying to help the OP with leading questions to get more details so that they can be helped, the OP get spanked/admonished into silence and/or the thread gets hijacked.
I would be OK with the admins physically deleting such posts (especially from the Dear Marcus forums) that do nothing but admonish the OP for starting the thread - and to do it without comment.
And sometimes an OP will feel they get bashed simply because someone - or a group of posters, disagrees with them.
Maybe when folks see their OP-bashing replies disappearing it'll persuade them to refrain from posting them in the future.
And sometimes an OP will feel bashed when opinions get posted that simply differ than that of the OP.