As a Chiropractor for 40 years, having been involved in many hundreds of these cases this is my take.
!) should someone present to my office, and I pick up on "I just hit the lottery attitude" I will not take you as a patient And neither will any self respecting PI attorney for that matter.
2) this is what I tell my patients, if you do not mind confrontation and you are a skilled negotiator, and you know the laws etc, then do it on your own. I suspect WPRV owner falls into that category.
3) if you are none of the above, then get an attorney. End of the day he will pay for him or herself, and get you as much as you could get on your own( even if you are a skilled negotiator)
4) remember this, when the adjuster calls, seems very concerned asks how you are doing and so on. They are trained to do this, they go to class. For the most part it is a script.
6) I am sure adjusters are nice people, probably someone we would not mind hanging out with. But their job is to limit the liability of their company, they have little interest, in making sure your compensation is fair.
7) if you as a patient, consult, a Doc or attorney, And you pickup, from them, a vibe that, they think, they just hit the lottery, with your case, then run away. I guarantee it will end badly for you if you do not.
Just my take, after 40 years