Well I just had a chance to dig into this and try some suggestions. Thought I had it fixed but turned out I was wrong. Took compressed air to most of the parts. Blew out a ton of rust flakes. Didn't change the way it worked. Then, I noticed the "clicking" of the ignition was not consistent. Had a strange rhythm, so I pulled the ignitor prongs out and adjusted the gap just a touch. Put it back in and it sounded perfect. Fired right up. I let it run for 2 or 3 minutes. Thought I found the problem so I shut it off, gave it 3 or 4 minutes and tried it again. click, click, nothing. Second attempt it fired up again so right away I'm thinking we are good. That lasted about 15 seconds and it went off. Went through this over and over again probably 10 times with a combination of clicking and no light at all (other than the big flame pop that happens after 3 attempts) and lighting and going right off. I did notice that even when the burner fires up the ignitor often continues to click, so I feel like something is wrong with the sensor or some sort of electronic that says "I'm lit". Removed and reattached the ground wire to be sure. Got dark so I gave up. Really trying to avoid the hour drive to the dealer if I can.
Also, this is a Suburban water heater FYI.