We have the fixed 40lb pressure regulator on ours right now. Not satisfied. Of course water goes through filters first so it still works.
Bought one of the adjustable ones from CW didn't work CW wouldn't take it back a year later when I thought bout it.Bought another one. Hope it works.
It would be helpful to have a pressure gauge to know what the pressure is at the faucet where we connect. I prefer 85 lbs. Get a nice shower that way.
So when I get the time I need a to find a pressure gauge to put before the regulator. None of them flow the 5.3 gph at 65psi that the in house pump from tank does. So sometimes I fill the tank and turn off the faucet and use the onboard pump. 100psi will clean out your rv great if the fittings let go on your water hose/pipes. At 85 psi ours at one camp ground we like, so far so good.
Really blast the dirt off the rig too, if the hose doesn't burst or ends blow off. Lost two or three of the little white cheap hoses, from faucet to filter, from CW from bursting right at fitting and blowing them off.Have good blue lined hose now but still need a short one or two.