When I first heard about waxing the toilet, I thought it was a practical joke, like plastic wrap on the toilet bowl or vasoline on the seat.
Yaj wrote:
Since I took my buddy Jim's advice I haven't had the problem you speak of.
He convinced me to get on the Metamucil program (2 spoonful's a day dissolved in a big glass of water). The subject of the conversion was not about the sticking problem but none the less, the product does wonders. Once the Metamucil starting helping me I noticed the "sticking problem" became non-existent. I really mean it, it works, and besides it's good for you!
Give it a try for a week and you to will become a believer!
I tried this and it has not helped any at all. I have been flushing Metamucil down the toilet every morning for several weeks. I am not sure how it is good for you. For all the good it is doing for the toilet, I might as well be drinking it.
Although, I think the tank sensors are working a little bit better.