down home wrote:
Weeeeel.Figured since there was so much concern about waxing our toilets, I went down to Lowes. I asked for toilet bowl wax. They asked if meant toilet bowl sealing wax. I said sure. They showed me a ring of wax that said toilet bowl wax seal or some such. Asked them why it was in a ring. No one seemed to know. Asked the girl at checkout and she said it was to prevent ring around the toilet, maybe. I gotta wonder how long they can afford this Haarvard graduate.
Had the dickens of time getting the paper off that stuff and was it ever sticky. Put the smallest buffer I had on the drill and tried to load it up. I hate sticky drills and pretty much everything else. The toilet was good and dry. I tried to work the stuff onto the bowl but it kept trying to rip the drill out of my hand. So I tried putting some on with a cloth. Damn near impossible to get it on. Rubbed it on the bowl and a half hour later had a passable thick coating streaked on it. Tried fresh buffer pad and wham got smacked in the noggin with the drill. So on to hand buffing. After three hours I have got most of it off but it don't shine worth a durn and is sticky as glue as is most of the bathroom. Soooo. No more shining the toilet fer me. I got near a full ring of wax if someone needs it.
This is SOOOO funny! Thanks!!