Without knowing your truck type or anything I have a suggestion. My hitch used to make a ton of noise, popping, screeching, squeaking, you name it. With my set up I had to really crank the bars up hard only leaving 4 links showing. This put a lot of pressure on the hitch causing it to make all the noise. I added a set of airbags and now hook my chains on the 6th link. Since I did that no more noise. Yesterday and today I towed the trailer. I went to pick it up and forgot to inflate my bags before I left the house. Since I didn't have air in I cranked up the bars back to only 4 links showing and all the noise was back. Again not knowing how you are set up, if you add airbags you may be able to back off on your chains some and eliminate the noise. This is my personal experiance, the loud noise stopped after I went to 6 links. I know people are against air bags and say they are for decoration only and don't do anything. My experiance with them has been great.