We like to camp and fish. However since we have a TT, we always had to fish from shore, since we couldn't also tow a boat. Porta bote was our solution. We couldn't be happier! The boat works great. Unfolding is not hard once you've done it a few times and learn the technique. We have a 12 footer and I can unload it myself, but it is much easier when two people do it. We mounted it to the side of our TT. It took a lot of planning but it worked out fine. When mounted on the side of. TT, it is very easy to dismount without a lot of lifting. With the bote mounted, the TT is still under the legal width limit. We have travelled for 3 years with it and have had no trouble. Making mods for a portabote is as much fun as doing mods for your RV.
Here's a photo.

For detailed mounting instructions, go to this link on another forum:
Jayco owners forum-porta bote successfully mounted