Thank you so much for responding. My email address is My Insight with cvt was bought new in 01, had 206k but it was totaled. I have several located with manual trans. What I have found only two base plates from Blue Ox, one with removable connectors. My tow bar is a Ready Brute Elite with a surge brake build in. Brake cable goes through the front and then through the fire wall to attach to the brake pedal. Insight owners manual says tow with ignition in I and battery disconnected, trans in neutral of course. It then says tow no more than 50miles not over 35mph. So what are you doing?
Next, have you had to replace the clutch yet, if yes or no, at what mileage. Next are you aware of the Grid Charger to extend battery life of the IMA? I replaced the battery pack, once at about 70k under warranty, second with a rebuilt unit that had a 3yr warranty and they rebuilt it 4 times. Note one guy is selling a 00 model with the IMA light on and says he charges with the Grid charger once a week and IMA works. Haven't talked to him lately, only found out about the IMA grid charger a few weeks about reading ads for Insights for sale.