I did send the couple their money back. Not because I had to, but I did not want to hear from him again. I didn't need the money and decided to be done, done, done with him.
Yesterday a new owner took possession of Phaeton Place. This man had contacted me as soon as my ad went live. He called for several days in a row, then said he wanted to come look at her. . . from Alabama! When he arrived yesterday, he had already pre-signed wiring instructions from his bank and they had my information. He did a thorough walk through, then called his bank and initiated the transfer. It is all complete and posted. I spent six hours with him going over things and answering questions. I told him I had not taught that long and hard since I quit teaching! LOL But it was enjoyable. He has an RV he is selling, not a DP, but he is familiar with all the systems, etc. He has a friend who is a CAT mechanic who will be taking over the regular maintenance on the coach. He is a very nice man, by himself, but with a mildly handicapped family member he watches.
He actually offered me more than the first guy so I threw in all the freebies I had. Macerator, 30' 50A extension cord, macerator hose, water filters, water softener, spare tire, Patriot Brake, etc. He had brought his tow bar because he wasn't sure his toad would match my tow bar. Good thing because it didn't. So I loaned him tools to remove my tow bar, which he is keeping, and then once at his camp 4 miles away, he is swapping out the tow bar. He has a friend coming from a nearby town today to help him go through things. He is heading back home tomorrow, so Phaeton PLace will leave me forever. I told my son I cried when I drove her the last time, but that was better than crying cause I couldn't sell her!
It's all good. Thanks for all your advice. I have learned a lot and I know she has gone to a good home. I will still be RVing in MinnieMee when the dust all clears. Eventually I will sell/trade her for a Leisure Travel Van hopefully.
Blessings to all and stay safe out there.