We are 83 and 85. Don’t travel long distances anymore but we sure do camp a lot in Indiana and Michigan. We really enjoy holiday camping with all the noises and kids having so much fun. Our daughter and DH have a class C and like to tag along. We are usually at a St park about 40 minutes away. We first take our unit over get a little bit set up then drive our toad back home and get the kids C drive it to the park and set it up. They come straight from work to join us. Whatever works for you at whatever age is what you do. Now our granddaughter and hubby got an old pop up for a Christmas present so they will join us and we will get to enjoy our greatgrandkids 2 and 4 life is soooo good. For a little over 10 years of going east to west coasts and north to south including Canada we are finally back to what we really enjoy most - camping !