Never Funny but true story a friend and I were camping in a state forest and deer season is just started. This campground had no hookups so its off the beaten path but deer season is in, so there are about 4 or 5 other campers there. We are sitting at a campfire after dark and a couple of really rough looking guys come walking up and start getting mouthy and pushy. The next thing we know there are about 5 guys standing in the shadows with a 12 gauge tucked under their arm. They quietly just stood their and asked the 2 idiots what was going on. The both kinda looked around and asked what was going on, one of the guys said its deer season and you 2 are interupting our sleep. They botrh back pedal out of there and we didn't seem them again. WE have been there several times since with no insue since. Sure was funny to see those 2 take off.