cbshoestring wrote:
Winterized months ago, preparing for a Pennsylvania winter.
Who knew we would have T-shirt weather for Christmas :h
Keeps this up... I will have to mow the lawn in January. :S
CAREFUL this topic doesn't start a "Don't tell me what to do on my vacation" debate.
Being an OLD camper, I prefer to sit outside, wave to those out for a stroll, watch the kids play, etc.... I would be happy to sit by the fire with you, drink an adult beverage, and pass the hours with idle chit-chat.
OTHERS.....pull in, hook up, hybernate. I have seen them spend the entire week sitting inside.
Each their own.
I would never want to start a "don't tell me what to do on my vacation debate" or would I (scratches head). This is actually unusual for me to be on the computer, I'm usually outside but it's only 9am and the DW has decided to sleep in. So, I'm telling you, all of you, while on vacation at a campground go outside, be personable and have fun... Stop worrying about WIFI and TV...