Forum Discussion

bakerkids's avatar
Jul 16, 2019

Which comes first, the trailer or the hitch system?

My son is buying a Forest River Surveyor 201RBLE and we need advice on a hitch with sway control, and I assume weight distribution. I tow a tiny trailer with no sway or weight distribution so this is foreign to me and I'm no help.

Do people new to camper ownership and towing purchase their hitch prior to purchasing the camper, or does the dealership help choose and set this up for buyers? He wouldn't know how to set it up on his own and would need someone with knowledge to help him.

He is thinking of purchasing this EAZ Lift 48058. I have read enough to know that people are either in the "Anderson" camp or "Equal-i-zer" camp, or whatever their fav is so I suspect people will have hard opinions about brands.

Where does he start? He's working out of state and I'm trying to hep gather this because he has a deadline. Thanks for your opinions!