MartyW wrote:
Thanks to Rexlion for the info and to BenK for the link, and thanks Jbarca and BenK for the detailed saga of Jbarca's wheel/stem issues.
The high pressure rubber coated brass stems are what the fellow at my local tire store recommended to use with the 65 psi tire when we talked yesterday. But he wasn't aware of the external tpms sensors I was talking about. And from Rexlion's response if these high pressure rubber coated stems would be ok for tpms use then my situation would probably be much simpler.
Many moons ago I worked after high school at one of the old full service gas stations and I installed many rubber and metal valve stems, but the metal valve stems were always into truck wheels that were made with plenty of flat surface to take the stems and seals and seal properly all the way around. The wheels on my TT are Series06 aluminum wheels from China, and when I first looked at these wheels with tpms in mind the thing that hit me was wondering if I could seal a metal valve stem in these wheels. If the high pressure rubber coated ones will work for tpms then this may be my ticket, but if not I'm afraid I'm going to need to study those wheel stem holes inside and out. Just looking at the outside of the rim the surface may not be flat enough to give a good sealing surface.
If anyone has installed tpms sensors onto Series06 aluminum TT wheels I'd sure like to hear how it went and if simple or not. Here's a link to a pic of their wheel on their website:
Thanks to all,
Do not use the rubber coated brass valve stems with an external TPMS sensor.
I tried that with my truck and the stem failed after about 10,000 miles and when I was away from home. When I checked the other three stems all were close to failure as the rubber was cracked.