fulltimedaniel wrote:
rockhillmanor wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
TwinTurbo wrote:
Honestly, your posts come off as smug and condescending with a know-it-all attitude, and then you wonder why people respond the way they do.
I shun all labels and consider us all RVers regardless of why we're RVing. Our commonality is found in the fact that, regardless of reason, we're using recreational vehicles. The overwhelming majority of my interactions with fellow RVers are positive because of that.
I've read part of the threads started by the OP and totally agree about the smug and condescending attitude. Must have to do with his extensive abilities, information which he isn't too shy to share...frequently. Mostly without being asked.
I think if you were to be fair about it and read the entire thread you would see that I only mentioned my business experience AFTER being told rather imperiously by RVPO that I had no idea what it was to run an RV Park or a business...
I added it to put in context my perspective on the issue.
Ah, more condescension from your superlative position.
After reading your numerous posts in various threads, I have been very fair in my analysis.