rjxj wrote:
Slab city near the Salton Sea/Niland California. Old military base.
It was not a military base. It was a botched "investment" scheme by unscrupulous real estate developers who victimized gullible East Coast residents looking for a piece of California. The parcels where the slabs (cement foundation) are is what is left of the proposed lakeside resort.
Easterners were fooled by these Realtors by having cement slabs poured to make it look like they have something from their deposit.
These were done before geological survey by city engineers. What these gullible buyers didn't know was Salton Sea rises to such height that the whole area gets underwater after a severe storm.
The developers went belly up and ran away with the money.
So now, the slabs serve as parking spots for squatters with their trailers and motor homes etc.
I guess easterners would do anything to get a piece of California, by hook or by crook.