colobear wrote:
Ahhh disappointing. I thought this would be a helpful post on working together, trying to mesh over differences. Then I read your mean spirited comments about those you appear envious of "resorters" contemptuous of "Joads" and other who don't fit your set of boxes. Too bad.
I am neither envious or contemptuous of anyone I meet out here. What I did in my post simply put is what every news magazine or novelist or essayist does and that's add a bit of "color" and description to the post.
I could have used dull. plain 5th grade language and ended up with something more akin to "What I did on my Summer Vacation" from elementary school.
I am sorry that you, and some others took it the wrong way. Did you not see the humour in:
"...because of a life changing experience such as a divorce (she got the house) or the death of a spouse (Was it REALLY an accident her falling down the stairs?)"
or the pathos of: "...or recovering from a terrible bout with Cancer and realizing there is more to life than sitting at home watching The Big Bang Theory."
And this in Bold?:
It is therefore no wonder that we tend to disagree a lot here on this site about even the smallest issues given the far different perspectives we hold. And this is in no way to be construed as any implied criticism of ones choices. Just observation.
And this begs the question for me: Didnt you miss the entire thrust of the post which was WHY this site is so contentious over small mundane subjects?
And don't you find it just a bit ironic that so much of the response has centered on the categories instead of the ACTUAL subject of the post?
And did it not occur to you that the categories were just a literary means of describing our differences and WHY this site is so contentious?
None of it was mean spirited. But there certainly are a few folks sitting atop very large horses here on this subject.