Also agree with Snowdance, as he does understand that weight transfer
during any stop. That then increases the tongue weight and if a WD
Hitch system...that then will re-distribute. The trailer (tongued or
fiver) will nose dive and place that added force on the ball or PIN
Ben take it to extrems.
Take a truck and trailer and visualize hunching it up in the middle. Trailer tongue WAY high just to take it to extremes.
The front of the truck is going to do most of the braking because of weight transfer. The inertia and weight of the trailer will try to lift the front of the trailer and rear of the truck even higher.
The WD will go slack much like some people jack the trailer up to make it easier to snap the WD in place.
Now if you have your trailer nose down it will do the opposite. The WD will load up and it will try to keep the rear of the truck from going down and lifting the front of the truck.
It's really easy to see with a toy truck and trailer. Just press down or lift up when hitched together.
For best handling I want a 50/50 truck/trailer combo or a 50/50 race car. The reason trucks push like pig is because of all the front end weight. Get rid of this and you will have a great handling truck.
On a heavy truck light trailer you do not want to transfer any weight. It's already back there.
Why anybody would want to make a bad thing worse is beyond me. :h
Unless they truly believe a 60/40 or a 65/35 vehicle will handle better than a 50/50 vehicle. Ben you don't believe that do you?