dodge guy wrote:
MetalGator wrote:
I always like it when someone asks a question and then they get scolded for not using the search feature. This is usually is followed by several links that may or may not have anything to do with the person's question. :)
This bugs me more than anything else. Thanks for all the out of date links or links that don’t pertain to exactly what I’m looking for!
Posts like this bug me too. Possibly it's just me, but, there is an understated demand in your post which says to me, "I'm too lazy to find the information I need myself and all the rest of you (who aren't lazy) are expected to spend your spare time and knowledge finding it for me, then tell me where to find it."
If you go through life like that, expect doors to be slammed in your face (or the other end) regularly. Maybe, eventually, you'll figure out that the world (and/or this website) is not here just to serve you!
Chum lee