Terryallan wrote:
gbopp wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
This week we were camping beside a man who had just bought a used 2015 TT. Over the course of the trip. He found out the toilet had been frozen, and had to be repaired. Then the water heater would not work, and the fresh tank was missing the plug. the list goes on.
That boys and girls. Is why I always suggest you buy new.
Did he tell you who did the pre-delivery inspection?
Or, are you trolling on a slow Saturday afternoon? :@
Bought it from an private seller, not a dealership. so no delivery. He picked it up at the storage lot. And no. Not trolling. Just got home from a great trip in my what was new when I bought it RV.
It is my opinion. when you buy used. You are just buying some one else's problems. Unless you know the seller well, and know the RV well. and even then it is a **** shoot.
I have bought "other people's problems", many times. My current toad was a short term lease return, with low miles, a known service history, and cost eight thousand less than invoice, when new. My current class A was owned by an elderly gentleman who bought it as his last rig. As he was taking delivery, he was finishing up a pole barn to store it in. Seven years later, he sold it for 40% of his purchase price. When I took delivery on the thing, several dealer employees described as the cleanest, nicest seven year old unit they had ever seen. It looked and performed nearly brand new, and saved me $65,000. The car and class A have both been extremely reliable, and trouble free. Unlike a lot of current scrap being rammed out the door in Elkhart, my motorhome didn't need a full year of warranty work, patching up the garbage workmanship, poor design, and failed cheap Chinese parts. In 50K miles, and three years of ownership, I have never lost a moment of use, due to breakdowns. This mirrors the last thirty years of buying used vehicles, at 25-75% less than the original purchase price, leaving hundreds of thousands in my pocket, and having as good. or better service from them, as brand new ones would of provided.
That said, it's important to me that you, and all others of a similar mind, continue to sing the praises of buying new, AND create the illusion that buying used will only end poorly. Taking advantage of HUGE depreciation, and well maintained trouble free RVs, can only happen IF somebody is willing to buy them new. So, thanks for doing your part. Don't forget to maintain your RV well, and trade it in in a few years, so you can take that sweet, sweet beating of absurd depreciation.