I tried to keep using WIFI HOTSPOTS and finally just gave up on it. Like said above if you are paying bills on-line probably not a good idea to use the various WIFI's scattered around the country side.
I signed up with VERIZON MIFI which creates it's own secure password protected WIFI for up to five of my devices. Covers all of our tablets and computers just fine.
This was a few years back and we got connected with a 3GB DATAPLAN for around $27 a month. They not available any more but you can get a 5GB dataplan for around $50 a month I think it is.
Using Verizon Towers we find a connection just about everywhere we go. The VERIZON MIFI is stand alone and does not require to go through your cell phone.
3GB Dataplan for us covers paying bills, checking in with kids, and some internet use. VERIZON has a larger 20GB dataplan using their JET PACK MIFI unit if you are going to downstream anything.
Our VERIZON MIFI PLAN and NATL BROADCAST FREE CLEAR HDTV from the local towns provides all of the connections we need when camping.
Roy Ken