Open wifi hotspots are all over the place, BUT paying bills and conducting other financial transactions that way is risky unless you also use a VPN. A VPN is an encrypted Virtual Private Network, and it requires software and a monthly subscription, usually $5-$7 a month. I have been using one called GoTrusted for a couple years now, and while it slows SOME connections, and some hotspots refuse to allow it for one reason or another, when you get a connection going, it is sufficiently secure to send the bad guys looking for somebody else to pillage and plunder. There are many others.
Thinking about it, when I find an open hotspot that does not allow me to use the VPN, I do not conduct any business whatever there on the theory that this one is not secure enough. I encountered one RV park that did not allow a VPN because they insisted on filtering all traffic for porn, their camp rules said so, and indeed, I could not establish a VPN connection. I figured while I wasn't looking for porn, I also wasn't interested in having them up in my business like that, so did my surfing elsewhere.