Ron3rd wrote:
Jeff it right, you can run north or south, take your pick.
Watched the entire event.
Have traveled that road for lots of years.
This quote from the driver (Justin Woolsey) of the small pickup that was near the boat.
OC Register.
Woolsey asked a question that will surely be posed soon:
Why was traffic stopped at that place and that moment?
*they* didn't stop the traffic, I would have breezed on through", he said. (** are mine)
(Like the driver's cell phone video that ABC -Los Angeles Ch 7-
played repeatedly...obvious "white knuckles", but breezed thru with fine visibility.)
CHP - are *not* firefighters, but the freeways etc. are "theirs"!
Stopping all traffic *usually* only causes gridlock - while some problem (real or perceived) is resolved.
(IMO) They were very lucky on that one!...;)
BTW - there were a few drivers who went "wrong way" short distances for a better "stopped" location.
And - drivers whose drivable vehicles were towed (removed from the freeway) - were justifiably irate when the towing company wanted $400. impound fee plus towing charges to release their vehicles.
Seems he has since been a bit more "amicable" - changed his tune regarding handling of fees.