westernrvparkowner wrote:
How is what the OP proposes, illegally working in the US, any different than what the illegal alien picking fruit, or mowing grass is doing. They are both taking low paying, no benefits, manual labor positions away from deserving Americans. They are both in violation of laws that are commonly violated to the detriment of hard working Americans. I know I dream of the day I can shingle roofs in 100 degree heat and not have to compete with an illegal alien for the privilege.
Perhaps the difference is the average illegal alien is working to send money home to support his family that likely lives in extreme poverty, while the OP wants to extend his vacation. Personally, my preferences for tolerance of people breaking laws lean towards those who are trying desperately to improve their families lives and provide them with at least the basics we take for granted. But apparently you feel spending extra time on vacation is a nobler aspiration.
A very good point.
Edit: I guess I should not have cut out the post Western was responding to! I have nothing against the OP visiting here, NOR do I have anything against people trying to make a better life for their families. I just think some people here spend too much time listening to hate radio.