dedmiston wrote:
But my fires are awesome.
That right there is worth something!!
I don't have any old gas to burn, so unless I start the fire like a Boy Scout, it's propane bottle and tiger torch for me!
I also seen the after affects of likely massive evaporation and the resulting varnish and fuel degradation.
The ole new to us 2017 toy hauler had what was apparently just enough gas left in the tank to run the generator but not enough to pump any out through the fuel station hose.
To the extent I KNEW the gas had to be 4 years old, the PO swore the generator was LP fired as he never put gas in the fuel station (according to him and the generator only had 8 hours on it and he swore that 5 or 6 of those hours had to be from the dealer when he had it worked on in 2017 or 2018). But he said if he started the generator it wouldn't start without the propane tuned on, LOL. After de-bunking his theory and taking one sniff of the tank, it was nasty.
I've said it before idk how that genny even started.
First thing i did was dump in 5 gal of cheap 87 octane and take a drive around the block to slosh it around. Only Got about 3 gal back out of the fuel station hose, it was that low on gas.
What came back out looked worse than your first p!ss after a hard night of drinking and you're dehydrated! (And may have smelled
After that I dumped in 10 gal of AV gas and let the genny run for a while.
The filled it up full before vacation. Only used about 20 gallons of the gas this summer. Yet in about 4 months, the 10 gal of sweet smelling blue AVgas and the 20 gal of 92 non ethanol, came back out smelling like old gas, again, and pretty yellow, less than a bad hangover, bout like working in the sun for a few hours with no water breaks!
For the winter I dumped in another 5ver of AV gas and put the cover on it.
Couple key points:
If the PO of my camper had 20-30 gal of old gas in it, there would probably been alot more varnish in the tank, but I could have started like 10 kick @ss bon fires!
If he had kept the gas relatively fresh in it, well, I just got lucky that I didn't have to pull the carb and clean it out.