To remain on topic, your job opportunities will be slim to literally none, especially in the Fairbanks area over the winter, where NONE would be the prevalent.
That being said, and just to clarify, are you intending to take an RV up? If not, why would you be posting here? If indeed you are, you are nuckin' futs!
Skipper (thank you for your service) stated that it was "awesome". Well yeah, it would have been had you had the auspices of the USAF behind you.
I'm beginning to smell troll.
I lived in FL for 20 years before we went fulltiming 13 years ago. My skinny ass starts shivering at about 60F and my comfort zone is 84F. In my lifetime I have experienced -30F and I'm here to tell you that that will NEVER happen again. If the next ice age cometh, I goeth!
Please tell us that you're joking.
And BTW, I have worked in AK, but only between May and September, both shoulder months a bit too cold for me, even in SW. (Skagway).