I assume by working on the road you mean from a campground. OK, so here is my pet peeve - the bandwidth at most campgrounds. The strength of the WiFi signal is a completely different issue. I carry a WiFi extender which works pretty well if I'm out a couple hundred feet from their antenna and am getting a weak signal.
But an extender does nothing for bandwidth. Most smaller campgrounds have about the same service you have at home. Works great for 1-2 users. Maybe ok for 3-4 users. But much more than 6 users it bogs it way down. Whatever bandwidth they have gets divided between users.
Larger campgrounds are probably going to have multiple WiFi hosts, but even that bogs way down with so many users these days trying to stream video and audio.
I got so frustrated I went out and got my own G4 WiFi hot spot. I haven't found many campgrounds where I couldn't get a good signal but that would probably be a different story out west.
It's costly. It's also surprising how much data one uses for normal tasks. My wife and I don't stream any music or movies. We just do email, transfer normal spreadsheets and docs and some browsing. We normally use up our 20GB plan sometimes go a little over.