BurbMan wrote:
It's nothing more than the law of averages...the RV industry has rebounded from the 2008 recession into the highest sales period EVER in the history of the industry. Here on LI you can't hardly get a campsite, it seems like every third house has an RV in LI
So it seems. 540000 sold in 2017 is hardly something to crow about unless you drink the RVIA koolaid. Look back at some past sales records, like 390000 in the 90's. Your looking at thousands not millions. What youre seeing at campgrounds is a good economy, relativly low fuel prices, and boomers retiring who with most the grand idea of life on the road gets old quick, especially when the budget gets balanced. 9 million registered RVs in the US is a constant number. Believe the hype and see what happens at the next economic downturn, or if gas goes to $4 a gallon. I have not had any issues getting a site, now, 3 years ago, or whenever. What you see on LI is population density coupled with being landlocked. I have friends who made those same comments 15 years ago.