Forum Discussion

RVcrazy's avatar
Sep 10, 2014

Y adapter for fresh water at park water supply post?

Hubby is wanting to put a Y adapter on the park water supply so that he can have both the gray hose & white hose hooked up at the same time. (This would be when we might need to drain & flush tanks during a long stay so that we don't need to disconnect the fresh water.) Do you see any concerns with cross contamination with doing this? Thanks!
  • Can't be any more of a risk than connecting the flush straight to the spigot. As mentioned, be sure the flush side has a backflow device. Or, just figure any cross contamination will help build your immune system :)
  • I would guess that those gray water flush connections have a backflow device, or else there would be a cross connection problem.
  • Pick up a hose bib backflow along with the Y.
    Disconnect the grey hose when not in use.
  • I attach water pressure regulator on CG faucet then a short hose.
    On end of short hose I install a shutoff 'Y'---------one side is in-line water filter then potable water hose to city water connection/other side of 'Y' is a garden hose for general use------flushing of waste tanks/washing rv/hosing down etc.

    Seeing as water tank flusher has a backflow preventor and 'y' is always pressurized not concerned with cross contamination
  • That IS a cross connection, but the probability of actual contamination is minuscule.
