Mootpoint wrote:
I heard someone talking near our once. When I opened the door I hit the neighbor in the back. He was sitting on our steps using his phone. Claimed he wanted privacy from the kids in his site.:S
Now that's why I keep reading these threads b/c it never ceases to amaze me. Plus, then when I run into one of these idiots, I will be able to say "Ahh, well at least this has happened to someone from". And I won't be so stunned.
I swear I'd post a message too if I hadn't been following these threads b/c if it happened to me I would be so A) amazed, B) incredulous, C) PO'd, D) all of the above that I would have to share as well.
LOL - I am however concerned about these threads b/c it looks like these incidents are increasing.... I think the monkey's are starting to run things. They seem to be increasing in numbers and they have no natural enemies :) Respectful people are being forced farther and farther away from civilization in order to escape these numbskulls.