When we were at Yellowstone a few years back we observed this over and over. I had to yell at one woman ( from inside my truck) who kept creeping up to a bison walking along side the road. Closer, closer, closer within about 10' from the bison, it turned and looked her straight in the eyes lowering its head. My advice to her was to seriously think about her life and start backing up. Or she wouldn't be here tomorrow. I just want a good picture she said. Yup you can't fix stupid. While were there that week someone did get gored and a person was killed by a bear in Yellowstone.
Another was in Cade's Cove in the Smokey mountains. A bear with its Cubs off a good distance. People were observing them with binoculars and telephoto lens. One guy determined he was invincible and proceeded to walk down the hill with his camera and tri-pod. All the way down he went while people were trying to get him to come back. He ignored everyone warning him. Got within 50' or so set-up his gear and started his mission. Scared the cubs up a tree. A ranger showed up in about just the right time and hauled him off.
There isn't a cure.