D.E.Bishop wrote:
...I'm too old to put up with those who know everything about everything....
Yup, I get it. A lot of message threads seem to take a single minded view toward a given topic, often based on the first couple of replies. And woe is anyone who dares offer a contrary point of view, regardless of how polite and on-topic the rebuttal is. Facts & statements that do not support the established narrative shall not be tolerated. And if the debate is being lost, switch to personal attacks to antagonize and frustrate the opposition.
This forum is actually a microcosm of our current national culture. Pick any hot topic in our national news(*), and any point of view contrary to the narrative will be shouted down and silenced.
(*) Note I did not state any national news hot topics, so don't jump on me for any particular positions that I have not stated.