I use the Sam's/ East Penn AGM batteries in some of my stuff. But AGM's don't last like my GC2's either.
Group 31 AGM for $179:
https://www.samsclub.com/p/duracell-agm-deep-cycle-marine-and-rv-battery-group-size-31dtmagm/prod3590232Group 27 that fit in the usual Group 24 RV battery box are $158:
https://www.samsclub.com/p/marine-27magm-18-mo-free/prod21234614?xid=plp_product_6 In the RV I prefer the regular flooded lead acid GC2 6 volts for the value, "small" size and durability, they are only around $89 per. Otherwise I would go with the Group 31 AGM's if I had the room for the larger battery box.