Personally I'd run the 12V stepdown converter into a 12V battery, either lithium or SLA. That way peak loads for the slide motors and compressor motor get taken up by the 12V battery and the 12V converter can just top that off. I know there are folks that team a couple of 12V stepdowns together to supply the loads, but it has to be much more stressful on the components in them than if there was a decent pool of ampacity there. Since you aren't actually using it for storage capacity a 50Ah 100A LiFePO4 would work great and they're like $160.
The big advantage of 48V is you can use a much cheaper MPPT controller since they're basically priced on output amps and 48V is 4x lower amps for the same watts. Wiring costs are also much lower since you get to drop down to wire gauges which are commonly available instead of double 0 or triple 0 cables.