Vulcaneer wrote:
scroller95969 wrote:
I have seen some circuit boards with fuses on them.
Just grasping at straws here. If you have a digital thermostat, it probably does have a slo-blo fuse in it on the thermostats circuit board. Take off the thermostat and check that fuse (continuity) with a DMM. Sometimes the show no visible signs of a problem. Replacements can be found at Radio Shack.
You may have a similar type fuse on your fridge control panel.
The fridge control board needs 12V to operate. But the fridge will not run on 12V. It needs 120V to run. The furnace needs 110V to run the fan and igniter. But (I think) it needs 12V to run the thermostat. That is why you can read the temp, without the A/C electricity hooked up. Without the thermostat, the furnace gets no signal to ignite. So without the thermostat operating the furnace will not work.
Do you have 110V in your other on-board outlets?
Probably has nothing to do with your problem....but do your GFI's test out OK?
Like I said...Grasping at straws here.
The furnace in mine is completely 12v