ktmrfs wrote:
well I'll disagree. the drawback to 6V is high internal resistance compared to 12V. So if your normal draw is in the 10-30A range, 6V are great. Take a pair of 6V and try to draw 100A for a microwave inverter load, and you'll quickly discover the drawback. At around 80% SOC the inverter is likely to shut down due to low voltage.
This is also impacted by the fact that under such a load with 12V you likely have a pair of 12V so each only needs to supply 50A, unlike the 6V bank needing to supply the total load from each battery.
So for heavy loads 12V may win or 4 GC-2's (500AH).
6V win on deep discharge (500 cycles at 75% DOD) and life, but not on heavy current draw
True statement that I didn't consider, if folks are running a large inverter off of 6Vs.
But to jimk and your points about battery life, not everyone, actually no one I know except the in depth discussions on this board, actually are regimented in their battery care and conditioning and 6Vs tolerate more "abuse" and lower SOC rtes much better than 12Vs.