I also have been in contact with Dexter axle group with this emailed question just last spring ;
Dexter email;
Your online website says;
"The Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) of your running gear is determined by the lowest rated component in the assembly. The capacity of the wheel, tire, axle, brake, springs/rubber and hub are all considered."
However the 5.2k/6k and 7k axles show 12" x 2" brakes. What is the determining brake spec differences in those three axle ratings ?
I've looked at Dexters online brake part specs and see different part numbers but that doesn't say the 6k axle brakes have more braking performance than the 5.2k axle brakes.
Mr. xxx,
While the 5.2, 6 & 7K brakes are all 12x2 in size they do have different lining material, magnets and reinforcement of the metal backing plates.
Thanks ......Jim Miller / Dexter Axle
OP I would contact Dexter axle group and ask them what components you need to do the job you want with tour particular axles.
Like you mention you want equal braking performance.
Uneven brakes can cause flat spots on the tires and poor stoping ability and certain brakes locking up especially on wet pavement.