The number of leak failures complained about really takes the bloom off the rose with the Flame-King. Maybe I'll just spend the forty dollars and get a canteen shaped Mexican 10 liter pot which could not be refilled in the USA.
I have 4 of the flame kings, and in the year I've had them, I've had no issues with leaks. One key is to open and close the fill vent correctly with the correct allen wrench. and don't overfill.
but that is a sampling of only 4 bottles.
And I have yet to have a non refillable leak on a refill either. I just weigh them when done to make sure they are not overfilled and do a quick soap test on the schrader valve.
the 1 gallon or 2 gallon tanks make lots of sense for anything that doesn't need a 1 lb cylinder. but then kinda hard to tote around a coleman lantern with a 2 gallon tank in tow. or my tabletop patio heater.