Forum Discussion

tom_mary731's avatar
Feb 25, 2016

1997 Winnabego Brave with chevy 454

I am having a problem and have spent several $1000`s of dollars and no one can figure it out I even had to tow it 200 miles home I have a 31 foot brave with a chevy 454 in it problem is I was on a trip 680 miles into it with no problems stopped in Indiana got gas and then it started it ran fine then lost all power slowing me down to 10-15 mph changed the fuel filter and mass air flow sensor it idles great starts right up you don`t even have to step on the gas pedal rev it up does great put it in gear and your done it spits and spudders and chokes you out with the rich smelling fumes you can not go over 10-15 mph anyone else ever had this problem or no what can be the problem I only have 34,000 miles on the rv thanks for any help I am ready to get back to rv`ing
  • Have the fuel system pressure checked. At idle and under load. My bet would be on a failing fuel pump as well.
  • I had a similar problem in a 1988 Winnie I had for a short time. Running fine, filled with gas then ran like crud. Thought I got a bad tank of gas. Wasn't. I too had replaced the fuel filters (there were two) , plugs, wires, etc. What the guy at the shop finally determined was a bad fuel pump. Replaced it an ran fine.