Well the Genny in my rig was 5500 watts.. Occasionally tripped a breaker.
I think you are asking a lot.
Suggestion.. Someone mentioned "Till the cord melts"
Unless the Genny has high-current outlets Consider a bit of re-wire
Route the power lead (or extend it) to one of the A/C's to a box or compartment (I suggest a dedicated box but if you put it in a comnpartment make sure the unit is in a METAL box inside the compartment) where you put a 20 amp plug on the end 20 amp plugs look like this -- | (the -- part is the neutral blade. I left off the safety grounde) and run a 12ga line to the same box and a 5/20 outlet -| | or |- | (not sure w/o looking at one) The Neutral is "T" shaped)
Plug into outlet for original wiring
Unplug and use a 12 GA extension cord to 20 amp outlet on the Genny
IF RF has 30 amp cord..:
IF the Genny has a 30 amp 240 volt outlet.... (Some do) Build a "break out" box
As follows
Two outlets One TT-30 one 15/20 Duplex (T-shaped neutral)
Safety ground (likely not connected internaly so you may need to connect it to Neutral lead.. I leave this decision to you)
Neutral lead goes to BOTH neutral Terminals
One HOT leg goes to the TT-30 the other to the twin 15/20
Plug RV primary into TT-30 Plug 2nd A/C into 15/20
IF RV has 50 amp cord.
Adapt from Twist Lock (Normal on such Generators)
To 50 amp RV outlet (you can buy that one at many RV or Generator stores)