StirCrazy wrote:
no thats what I mean though, if you can fit two or three pannels on there why stop at a 200 watt? a 350 isnt much bigger and two of them would be better than three 200watt panels then if you need a third you can add it later. down in the staits whats the difference between a 200 and 325 -350 down there 30 bucks? its only about 50 bucks up here. bang for your buck it just seams a better option.
Are you listening? I specifically gave the panel. That's what I'm interested in. Is it a good idea or not. I never asked for opinions of other panels and don't feel like getting into a minutiae of everything solar discussion.
At this point I'm thinking of buying two 24v Rich Solar panels, running new wires to an additional controller and calling it a day. I have plenty of room for another controller (already have two), but don't have room for bigger roof panels. Not taking off the existing 170 watt panel would give me 570 watts on the roof and a 100 watt portable. Money, within reason, is not a problem.
OR add three 100 watt Renogy panels @ $109 a panel (one on a tilt mount), run wires to the Victron 100/20 controller already in place for the Renogy portable (Vmp and Imp are nearly identical). I would then have 470 watts on the roof and 100 in a portable if needed. Perhaps I should just stick with 12v.
It's my SIL's 70th birthday this weekend. After that we take the camper to the North Shore for four nights, biking, hiking and mushroom hunting, then babysit our two grandkids for another three days. When we get back on May 17th I'll have made a decision. I'll check in to see if there are any other opinions.