StirCrazy wrote:
maybe instead of getting ignorant you should have worded the question a bit more clear, I read "I am thinking", not "I am getting" so for your original question, go with the 200's instead of the 100's also if your not going to jump down my throat I would also sugest you look for a split cell design panel as you said your going to be camping in the shade and they are the most efficient in shading.
I suggest, not "sugest", you look up the definition of the word "ignorant" and then consider the context you chose to use "ignorant". PM me if you wish more discussion on this subject.
With more watts on the roof, and 24v to gather sun longer in the morning and evening, a 24v panel makes more sense to me than a 12v split cell design. YMMV. Our panels (two 24v 200w and one 12v 170w) would be situated in the front, middle, and rear of the camper. Location on the roof also helps with shading.