voltage drop R*I
resistance times amps
technically 1200w /12v 100amps, 1200w/24v 50amps
R*100 versus R*50
now lets say the voltage drop at 12v 100amps is 1v
now 24 same resistance less amps voltage drop is 0.5v
so 12v-1=11v alarm! 24v -0.5 = 23.5v No alarm
so that should work, engineering math wise
even if there is consistent 1v drop, it becomes 11v verus 23v still above alarm stage
but it has to be a system wide change, 24v batteries, 24v inverter
all advantage is lost and more 'LOSS' is introduced when you install a converter
from 12v to 24v just to power the inverter, the DC converter has its OWN losses