2oldman wrote:
rjxj wrote:
We'd be putting a set of rings in the Hoonda. .
I'll see about doing that. Not by me...I don't do engine stuff.
I don't understand why a 5-year newer model would burn oil. I've worked the older one to death, same maintenance, and it's fine.
Could be other things. Obviously you dont have it too full of oil. I dont know what they use for a breather but before anyone tears into it be sure the crankcase breather is correct or crankcase pressure will push oil. It's not leaking oil is it?
I worked on a Honda snowblower years ago which had been in our shop several times for oil leaks and I didn't know the history. They wrote it up and said crank seal is leaking replace it. Ok I did that and put it outside to run awhile. Went to look and it was not only leaking at the seal but also around the side crankcase cover. The guy who serviced it before the problem started put the hose from the crankcase breather onto the wrong fitting on the plastic air filter housing. They mold in a few different fittings depending on the engine application. With it on a dead head fitting instead of breathing on the clean side of the air filter it built pressure in the crankcase. it's from the blow by of the rings. Every engine has some blow by and they control it by breathing into the filter housing.
Also seen a Kawasaki vertical twin go through a rebuild and back through the shop several times for smoking. I told them to put a manometer on it and see if the crankcase was negative or positive. Shop owner said we dont have one. I tried to blow air pressure through the head passage. They hadn't drilled the hole in the block that lets the crank case connect to the overhead valve chamber where the breather hose connects and goes to the air filter housing. Weird stuff can kick ones fanny hard.
So correct weight oil
Oil level correct
Breather hose not pinched if they use one
Air filter housing assembled correctly
No one made a homemade gasket and forgot a hole etc
Visual inspection, further inspection prove disprove before tear down
It was long ago and I usually worked on the larger Hondas and B&S home standby units but let me look at you tube etc a little and see if we can spot anything for you.