The standard 30A male to 50A female RV adapter does wire the hot line to both hots of the 50A socket.
Is your voltage regulator a 120V or a 240V regulator? I'm guessing it's a 120V regulator, since you seem to be using it as such presently. If so, you'd wire the hot input to one of the legs of the 50A plug (or the only hot of a 30A plug), and the hot output to both of the 50A legs. Note, though, that when connected to a 50A circuit, it would limit your power consumption to half of what you would otherwise be able to use--you have a 50A 120V circuit rather than a 50A 120/240V circuit.
Do not connect the two hots together on the input side of the regulator; that would be a dead short, and instantly pop the breaker on the pedestal (or, if it doesn't pop, do much worse things). I suspect you already recognize and understand that.