Joel_T wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
Hi Joel_T, There is no need for an MPPT controller with a small wattage nominal 12 volt panel system. It is an unnecessary expense. Put your money into another panel instead.
I don't ignore it....I hear a LOT of that from those of you in the know. I do also hear about MPPT working shaded conditions a "little" better and also "possibly" getting a few more amps to the batteries in some situations. The only PWM I'm considering is the Trimetric 30A controller that links with the Trimetric 2030 monitor. It's about $130. The 30A MPPT BlueSky 3000i is about $300. The 30A MPPT Tristar is about $400. The 160W panels I'm leaning heavy towards are about $300ea. Presuming I don't need to go to a 40A controller it's "only" $170 more to go from an PWM controller to the MPPT BlueSky. It's not "all" about money but I do want a return for my dollar. Because of my tiny brain when it comes to in depth electronics I've only tiny clues about the gains I might, or might not get from using MPPT instead of PWM. I do appreciate opinion.
EDIT.........panels are $300 not $400
Well a SC2030 will handle 540 watts, starts clipping at 31 amps and can handle 60 amps (but derates as needed to protect its self) Is this why you are considering it or is it that the builder "lives" solar and understands the importance of battery manufacturers charging specs instead of "one size fits all" additude? Allows adjustibility volts,amps,time and more for an advanced user? This unit is a boodockers dream plain and simple. Is this why? And do you "REALY" think mppt can preform with two panels as well as a PWM can with three panels, At the same cost? Why is it you are considering the SC2030?