pianotuna wrote:
Hi Joel, What exactly did you buy? If it is MPPT I'd recommend 4 panels in series/parallel configuration. That is what has worked best for me.
I got a Trimetric SC2030 30A PWM controller that links with the Trimetric 2030 monitor. It's 2 panels for now. I'm getting a different trailer in a few weeks and am not sure how well the roof real estate, or wallet, will work for 4 panels.
grizzzman wrote:
Welcome to the "dark side" :B Im an owner who has spent "way" to much time in research on this subject. I would be glad to help. Would you like to know what panel voltages would work best for PWM?
I don't have the panels yet and am still in the "sponge" mode so will try to soak up any info you have to offer.
Did your research include much about panel diodes?